Vardon Plaza
The project idea springs from Maxwell
Vardon`s ambition to create a democratic place for his hometown of Accra in Ghana.
A public place that encourages open
discussions, meetings and events -
a platform open to all to help foster the
young democracy of the country.
The proposal is a mixed used development
to create a vibrant environment for his vision of this new - so far unique - approach in Accra.
The buildings step back from the site
boundary to open up a public space.
Very much like the centre Pompidou in Paris - the project proposes a higher building on around one third of the site to achieve the required floor area and make the
development financially viable.
The so formed plaza is clearly defined by the existing adjacent church, the main Vardon building with its open auditorium at ground level and a low market building bringing
additional visitors to the square.
A mix of retail, offices and residential uses
ensures the site to be well animated at all times, encouraging formal and informal
encounters in Accra`s new plaza and
meeting point.
Unfortunately travels to Accra in 2016 had to be cancelled for personal reasons, but the project remains ongoing, looking for funding and co-investors in Ghana.