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Hotel Ipiranga

A year ago I was sitting in a cafe at Copacabana Beach, wondering about an empty plot right on the Avanida Atlantica. It was close to the Ipiranga Building with its semi-circular living spaces, offering panoramic views from the Sugarloaf Mountain over Guanabara Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. A moment later I had made a quick napkin-sketch of how the empty plot might be developed with a similar identity.

As per the “original” Ipiranga Building, the proposed Hotel Tower features semi-circular windows and balconies to make the most of the spectacular views across Copacabana Beach. The higher floors also profit from additional views over the Corcovado and Rios’ famous Cristo Redentor Statue to the north-west of the site.

Matching the tropical climate the building uses extensive facade vegetation, providing shading and privacy as well as creating a macroclimate along the hotelrooms that has a cooling effect in the mostly hot temperatures of Rio de Janeiro.

The semi circular glazing can be fully opened to make the most of the breath taking views and take in the sea breeze from the ocean, but can also be closed to reduce the noice from the busy streets in the lower levels and provide shelter in the heavy tropical rainfalls.

The lower floors step backwards to create a covered yet open plaza at the buildings entrance also providing spaces for an outdoors restaurant and a bar.

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